Cherry Optical, Inc Announces Essilor's "Ultimate Offer"
Cherry Optical, Inc announces the Essilor "Ultimate Offer" enrollment portal is LIVE! Here is the link to portal. We're encouraging you to enroll in the offer as soon as possible to take full advantage of the promotion for yourselves and your patients. The promotional period is Sept 12 to Dec 31, 2017.
Get the latest on the Ultimate Lens Package by Essilor here.
*You are eligible for the Ultimate Offer the day following enrollment (starting 9/12). Both Qualifying and Bonus Pairs must be for the same patient, same day, through the same lab.
Please contact your Cherry Optical, Inc Sales Representative or our Customer Service team for more information. (920) 469-2559. Can't remember your Unique Essilor ID number? Contact our Premier Brand Consultant, Bill Lee at or 1(262) 751-1961.