Wheel in this Guy Keeps on Turnin' - A Journey with Bob

- Sales Representative
- Years with Cherry Optical, Inc: 1
- Job-Related Certifications: Prepping for ABO
What do you do for Cherry Optical, Inc?
I ensure our existing accounts remain happy while setting personal goals to generate new accounts. I’m currently branching out to new areas to strengthen Cherry Optical, Inc’s presence. I enjoy focusing on finding solutions to any problem areas a clinic may be experiencing. I am able to provide our customers with a wide range of assistance. Whether it’s something as small as a nose pad recommendation or a larger issue such as finding help with Medicare and insurance billing, there isn’t anything we can’t find an answer for.
Why is the position the right fit for you?
I worked as an Optician for many years so I have an idea of what works and what doesn’t. I don’t have all the answers, but I know where to find the correct ones. Speaking from my personal experience, Monday mornings are not the best times for Opticians to sit and talk, in fact, it can be crazy busy. For most of my optical life, I was the first one in on Monday morning and the last one out on Friday afternoon. Therefore, I try to keep that mentality in mind when visiting accounts. Your time is very important to me, and I want to make it easier for you to do the best job you can do.
What celebrity or historical figure wears or has worn glasses best?
Hand down Penelope, a character on the TV series Criminal Minds. Her glasses always represent the perfect accessory.
What makes Cherry Optical, Inc different from other optical laboratories?
For me it’s so simple, I challenge any of my accounts to call customer service and ask to speak with Joe or Adam. Nine out of ten times you can speak to them. The owners of the company answer the phone and you as a customer can ask him a question. That is unheard of in this or any other industry.
In your opinion, what is the secret behind Cherry Optical, Inc.’s success?
I believe our success stems from two things, our Customer Service Team and the company’s ability to say “YES we can!” when addressed with a unique optical challenge.
Random kindness for a coworker goes a long way. Has anyone ever done anything super awesome for you or a co-worker at work?
I worked with a woman, whose responsibility was to run the front desk smoothly. This lady had the worst luck, but she always saw the best in people. Her grandson was diagnosed with a life threating illness, and she had to do a lot of driving back and forth to the Children’s Hospital in Milwaukee. This became very expensive, and eventually became a financial hardship. However, when a new employee started working at the clinic, she still made the extra effort and purchased a few gas gift cards to welcome her. This act made me rethink human nature, and that one action changed the way I think.
Mentors- who has guided you in this industry?
My first job taught me the most about optical. I was brand new and the three men who trained me had a combined 90 years of Optical experience. It was a small office called Main Optical, I’m happy to say they are now Cherry Optical, Inc customers. My last job as an Optician before transitioning to Cherry Optical, Inc aIso taught me a lot, but since I was already well versed in optical, I was able to learn how to work as a team player, thank you Angi.
What is a frame line you love?
I still love Oakley.
What do enjoy doing in your spare time?
I enjoy biking - road or mountain, cooking, and MMA training. I actually just bought my dream mountain bike, it’s a brand new Trek X Caliber 9, fully loaded. I try to plan as much as I can around nearby bike trails, it’s great.
What is your weapon of choice for the impending zombie apocalypse?
“Well, I am pretty good with a bo staff, and nunchucks.” (Napoleon Dynamite reference.)
What music are you embarrassed to like?
Anything 80’s
What inspires you?
Simple things like saying thank you, god bless you, and saying hello with a smile when a stranger makes eye contact.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?
Treat everyone you meet like you would treat your Mother or Father.
Favorite TV show or best concert you’ve been to & why?
I’ll answer both of those. My favorite TV show is Grimm, because I am a self-proclaimed nerd. As for the best concert, the first concert I ever attended without mom and dad was my favorite, it was Journey The Escape tour. Yes, I am that old!