The History of "Joe Knows" NCAA & This Year's Winners

At COL, we love offering fun sporting giveaways such as our “Joe Knows” NCAA Tournament Bracket, Pigskin Pick’em, and the annual Frozen Tundra Experience (FTE). Did you know the first two don’t require you to make a purchase – they are just for pure enjoyment? We’re also pretty sure that most of you have received those delicious Girl Scout Cookies or holiday candies from us at one time or another throughout the years. Thank you for sharing these annual traditions with our team. Balancing these “just for fun” games alongside those like the FTE Promo, which highlights specific lens designs, materials, and treatments, makes it fun for everyone.
Specifically, our “Joe Knows” program is of great significance to us because it’s a small part of Joe Cherry’s legacy that gets to live on even though he and Lynn have been retired for some time now. It all started because of Joe’s love for Kentucky Basketball; he’s the epitome of a die-hard fan and will continue to be committed regardless of their record. Born in Kentucky, his passion for this program has imprinted on Adam, too. Don’t get us wrong, Adam loves the Badgers, but the Wildcats also have a special place in his heart. The “Joe Knows” Bracket has been running for so long that we could not decide when it started, but we can tell you it’s been going on since we faxed messages as the primary form of communication! We’re thrilled to watch the competition grow year after year, regardless of how many lunches that means we buy (that’s the fun part, anyway!). The camaraderie and excitement it’s built is beyond what we expected this silly promotion to turn into, and we’ll be proud to bring it back again next year.
Without further ado, we’d like to congratulate this year’s winners.
1st Place: Amanda – Cherry Optical Lab, won a $100 Gift Card and a Free Lunch for the Finish Department
2nd Place: Grace – Ulla Eyewear, won a $50 Gift Card and Free Lunch for her office.
All other participants ranked higher than 113th place (Yes, that’s where Joe landed!) have won a FREE lunch (one winner per location). Here’s how to claim your prize: Please email with the following information:
- Full Name
- Account #
- Practice Name
- COL Sales Consultant
- NCAA Ranking
- Yahoo Account Email
- Yahoo Bracket Name
Your COL Sales Rep will follow up with you to deliver prizes. We look forward to next year—Joe will do some studying between now and then!