So Your Patient Wants their Glasses Done Fast? No Problem!

4 Tips to Ensure Fastest-Possible Processing of Lens Orders
Tis the season for ‘tis the season’ but also 'tis the season for rush orders. Here are a handful of tips to ensure your lens orders are completed with time to spare; making you look great, and your patients’ see better, faster.
#1 Electronic Ordering:
We can’t stress this enough. Called-in and Faxed-in orders do not make their wait through Customer Service and into production nearly as quickly as electronic orders? Why? Because called-in and faxed in orders require further reviewing to ensure data entry is correct whereas electronic orders are reviewed quickly and accurately in seconds. Electronic orders also have fact-checking enabled to ensure they are complete before pressing send. Cherry Optical, Inc will take your order however you want to send it to us; but, if you want it done fast, you need to utilize RxWizard or Vision Web.
#2 Be Thorough. Very, Thorough:
Electronic or not, we need as much data as possible to get your order started immediately. Of course, the Rx, PD, etc. is needed. However, the most often missing data we see on orders is frame information. It really, really, really and I mean really helps to have the frame name, eye size, B and ED measurements. If we receive all of this information on your orders, we can begin immediate production. Without this data, in some cases, we may need to wait for the frame to arrive or call for more the information. Additionally, have the frame information ensures your lenses are as thin as possible.
#3 Order Anything (almost), We Have You Covered:
Cherry Optical, Inc can produce an extremely wide variety of products on-site from all of the major lens companies. Additionally, we have the nation’s largest inventory of lenses. Direct access to that inventory means we can get rolling on nearly anything you order from us in a moment’s notice. So, don’t skimp out on the add-ons or upgrades to expedite an order. We work 24/5 to keep your orders rolling. Full disclosure, there are about 1.3% of all orders that are going to require extra time – if you absolutely, positively must have it on time – talk with Customer Service to ensure your lenses are 100% Wisconsin-made (no outsourcing) to avoid delay.
#4 Let Us Know:
Be careful here, we don’t want everyone crying wolf! If there is a date you need a job by, simply let us know. Promised-Date orders are attended to accordingly. However, proceed with caution here. If all your orders are super-hot, must-have, need-tomorrow, patient-country-leaving, wedding-this-weekend, ultra-high-priority; we’re going to have a talk. We all know what happens when we cry wolf, right!?! That’s it. Use electronic ordering, be thorough, order nearly anything you want and if it absolutely must be completed by a certain date – let us know. Follow these simple steps, and we’ll be sure to deliver the outstanding service levels we are known for no matter what time of year.