Meet the People Behind WNU 2018! Pt. 1

Adam Cherry
You probably recognize this name, if you know anything about Cherry Optical, Inc at all. Adam is instrumental in generating the content and focus of What's New University and is intensely involved in each step.
However... This blog posting is about behind the scenes at What's New University, so you are going to be let in on our super secret weapon. Adam is the face you know, the public and out there driving force. The secret person who makes all that vision happen and takes into account all the tiny details that make What's New University truly excellent for all involved is likely not as well known to most of you.
Sara Gerondale.
When a person is given a big vision to implement, you need someone with attention to detail, intense energy and an upbeat attitude to tackle the task. These qualities are Sara to a T. Sara fills the role of Graphic Design and Marketing at Cherry Optical, Inc, but this only begins to describe all that she does, particularly regarding What's New University. After more than 5-years in event planning experience, as well as her degree in Graphic Design from St. Norbert College, Sara joined Cherry Optical, Inc in 2015. As she explains it, "in a company the size of Cherry Optical, Inc, we all wear lots of hats and fill in where we are needed." Sara has proven that in her work with WNU.
WNU 2018 is the second WNU Sara participated in. Her first experience planning the event was in 2016, at which point she had been with Cherry Optical for 11 months. Currently, she is already preparing for WNU 2020! While Adam drives the content of the event, Sara handles making information available, creating items to publish and getting that done, tracking all components of the event and supplies, and the actual production of the event, down to the most basic, such as the correct tablecloths for the tables and other small details. Compound all of those steps by each category she communicates to concerning event set-up; from co-workers to eye care professionals, to speakers and exhibitors, Sara facilitates the entire event. In addition, she handles the website and marketing at all times, and even more so as WNU approaches and happens. The signs outside the classrooms, the continuing education paperwork, the staff assignments for attendee support, the nametags, every little detail falls under Sara's watchful eye.
Sara's recognition to detail is also implemented following the event as the team evaluates how WNU went, what we learned, what we found as strengths and what we want to improve. It is a continuous circle and leads right into the next WNU event. You can be sure that the powerhouse of energy and positivity that is Sara is going to be again driving the WNU 2020, and will push it to even higher degrees of excellence!