Eyezen+ - It’s Not Eyezen without the +

Eyezen+ lenses are an enhanced, everyday pair of single vision lenses for wearers that are suffering from digital eye strain. Eyezen+ lenses contain a small amount of accommodative relief to alleviate eyestrain (+1 0.40D, +2 0.50D, +3 0.8D). Most importantly, Eyezen+ lenses utilize Essilor’s Smart Blue Filter lens materials that automatically reduce harmful Blue Light from reaching your patients’ eyes. Combining Eyezen+ with Crizal Prevencia provides an even greater level of Blue Light protection. SBF materials currently available in Eyezen+ include plastic, polycarbonate, 1.60 and 1.67 (Trivex and 1.67 coming soon). Eyezen+ can be offered with or without the Crizal treatment of your choosing. Buyer beware! We’ve seen some funny stuff out there in the market. Look for the + to ensure you’re getting Eyezen+. Contact your Cherry Optical, Inc Sales Representative for more information on Eyezen+.