Ever hear the saying "everything old is new again"?

While reading a trade magazine recently, I came across an edger that will put engravings on lenses. While the technology is new, the concept is dated. I was doing this over 25 years ago "the old way". I would draw out the design, engrave a tin plate, and then engrave it onto the lens. Any design you could imagine followed this same process. The best, or should I say most difficult, design I was asked to create was from a dog breeder who wanted two dogs on his lens. I'm sure you can imagine the rest.
Though I haven't had a request for engraved lenses in years, who knows, maybe they are making a comeback. Bell bottom pants, as they were called in my day are now called flares; it's just like the re-introduction of wearing big zyl frames.
- Lynn Cherry
Pinterest- Celebrity Style Guide
