BrillenEyes l Cherry Optical Lab

AUGUST 29, 2023
BrillenEyes announces partnership with Cherry Optical Lab (COL), an Independent Optical Lab based in Green Bay, WI. As an independent distributor and manufacturer, BrillenEyes offers unique brands, high fashion, and top-quality products to support the needs of the independent practitioner.
“Cherry Optical Lab is a high-quality Lab that complements our eyewear with the world’s best lenses that all can proudly wear,” said Eckhard Wirtz, Founder & CEO of BrillenEyes. BrillenEyes is focused on the future and is focused on raw material sustainability. The partnership with COL considers those values, and we align with Cherry as they already repurpose their lens waste materials!
“Over the years, the relationship between COL and BrillenEyes group has blossomed into something truly remarkable, and we cannot express enough gratitude for their invaluable contributions to our cause,” said Adam Cherry, President of Cherry Optical Lab. “Their team members provide ECPs with various business options and patient solutions that are truly remarkable. Our sincere appreciation and interest in continuing this fruitful partnership are unwavering, and we’re excited to build on that.”
About BrillenEyes
For over 12 years, BrillenEyes has been a proven luxury European distributor and manufacturer to mid-market independents and has established a business focusing on innovative trends and high-quality products. BrillenEyes’ complementary product lines include ELLA&MAXX, Dutz and Dutz Kidz, Reykjavik Eyes Black Label, Roy Robson, and BrillenEyes Haus Brand. In addition, BrillenEyes is one of the largest private label manufacturers for independent Eyecare Professionals in the USA.
About Cherry
Founded by Joe and Lynn Cherry in 1999, COL continues to serve you independently under the ownership of its co-founders and current president, Adam Cherry. A leader in innovation, technology, high-quality finished products, tight standards, and skilled artisans, Cherry urges you to try their Lab and “See the Difference.” Their work is backed by an industry-first, no fine print, truly unlimited warranty policy.
Contact Sections:
Adam Cherry – President
Cherry Optical Lab
Eckhard Wirtz - CEO
BrillenEyes LLC
COL l BrillenEyes Promotional Video Link: